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My Management Approach


Many psychotropic medications primarily focusing on clinical depression and anxiety disorders take time to show maximum effect. The time period may vary from patient to patient and differ based on the severity of symptoms. On average, such medications take four to six weeks to show their effect. Therefore, from being diagnosed with such disorders to the point where the medications show their results, there is a need for a self-management and non-pharmacological approach. Such an approach would not only help in the progression of the symptoms but also help in decreasing them.  


I am using the below-mentioned method on the patients I have diagnosed with either generalized anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, or mixed anxiety/ depressive disorder (which is more common than any of them alone). I would encourage you, readers, to take 10 minutes of your time to evaluate yourself or the people surrounding you using Beck's Depression Inventory and Beck's Anxiety Inventory, which are self-evaluation tools before you go through my management approach. 


The Beck's Depression Inventory and Beck's Anxiety Inventory can be found online by typing the names on google. After evaluation and scoring, it is essential to seek medical advice from a psychologist or psychiatrist and discuss the findings, not to self-medicate using the information found online.

My Approach: 


Diagnosis = Basic drug therapy + at least 2 self-management options + Lifestyle modifications. 


Basic drug therapy is starting with psychotropic medications (targeted towards the disorder) and multivitamins (this is to be provided by a certified psychiatrist)


Two self-management options include the self-management options listed on the anxiety self-management page and the depression self-management page.


Lifestyle modifications are common to all, even though the self-evaluation tool suggests no mental health issues.

If Beck's Depression Inventory is suggestive of depression (irrespective of severity): seek professional help for the need for medications, followed by:


Self-management for depression in the adult population:

  1. Develop healthy coping skills + psychotherapy.

  2. Suppose psychotherapy is not available; start a physical exercise.

  3. Start with sleep hygiene if you have sleep disturbances. 


Depression in the Child and adolescent population: 

  1. Psychotherapy + the three blessing exercise. 

  2. If psychotherapy is unavailable, start with the three blessings exercise or mindfulness of breathing.

If Beck's anxiety inventory is suggestive of anxiety (irrespective of severity): seek professional help for the need for medications, followed by: 


Self-management for anxiety in the adult population: 

  1. Diaphragmatic breathing or Progressive muscle relaxation + Psychotherapy or ANT therapy. 

  2. Kirtan kriya can be added if diaphragmatic breathing or progressive muscle relaxation is ineffective. 

  3. Start with sleep hygiene if you have sleep disturbances. 


 Anxiety in the child and adolescent population: Mindfulness of breathing + psychotherapy.

If, on the evaluation, you feel that you have symptoms suggestive of both anxiety and depression (irrespective of severity): seek professional help for medications, followed by:


Self-management for mixed disorders in adults: 

  1. Diaphragmatic breathing + physical exercise (or) Progressive muscle relaxation + coping skills. 

  2. Start with sleep hygiene if you have sleep disturbances. 


Self-management for mixed disorders in the child and adolescent population: 

  1. Psychotherapy + mindfulness of breathing.


The self-evaluation tools as mentioned above are not diagnostic tools and should not be used to label yourself with a mental health disorder. It is to make the user understand the possibility of having a mental health disorder which should be discussed with a certified psychiatrist. Moreover, the self-management methods are to be done under the guidance of a mental health provider for a better outcome. 


The website is created to educate everyone, including healthcare workers, to spread the word that there is a cure for mental health disorders. An individual diagnosed with such conditions should not only rely on drug therapy. There are various self-management approaches available, and only some of which I have tried on my patients have been listed here. There is n number of combination possibilities that you can use when facing such psychiatric disorders. If you find this webpage useful, please forward it to your colleagues, friends, and family members. If you are facing any difficulties or have any suggestions, please feel free to contact me using the communication box available at the bottom of the page. Thank you.

- Dr. Bilvesh Mandalia

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